Sunday, January 23, 2011

Its time to take my own advice

Thats it. I'm done with food. I no longer need it, nope, i'm set for the week. So i've decided not to eat any cals till friday. mind over matter or you will get fatter, right? So i plan on being 112 by friday. Its simple! Well i am going ot give myself 100 cal free fall, just in case i slip up and have a pretzel (my weakness). But lunch will consist of celery (2 4-inch sticks are 0 cals) and no dinner, sounds pretty easy, right? Yeah but tonight i failed. Miserably. Dad brought home ice cream :( :( oh that evil wicked man......How awful and mean he can be. I also need to take out the trash in my bathroom and clean out underneath my sink because i have food that i've "eaten" that needs to go bye bye.

I haven't worked out since Thursday and its killing me!!! Well like actually go to the gym workout, tonight so far i've done 200 sit ups, 150 jumping jacks and only 60 leg lifts, I plan on doubling everything by ten, well except the sit ups, i'm only gonna do 100 more of those. I've got some lovely girlish abs going on on my upper tummy, but my lower tummy is just retchid. Does anyone know anything i can do for the lower ab area? Comments would be appreciated! i love you girls!!

stay strong chicas!


  1. Unfortunately, we do need food at some point. Eating the celery sounds good :) it'll keep your metabolism going.
    Good luck with getting to 112 by the end of the week! I know you can do it.
    A way to tackle lower abs is to lay flat on your back, keep your legs together and straight, lift them to a right angle to your body, lower them slowwwwwly, but don't actually touch the floor, and repeat. Breathe in when lifting legs, and out when lowering them.
    It's not as easy as it sounds, I assure you ;).

    Stay strong <3

  2. New follower and loving it :D

    Ugh, ice cream is a big weakness of mine too!

    A lower ab exercise: Side Turn
    Lie on the floor with your feet up in the air above your hips. Keep your legs either straight or slightly bent. Make sure to keep your legs as close to hip level as possible. Have your arms out to the side with your palms touching the floor. Keep your lower back flat against the floor for the duration of the movement. Keep your core drawn in tight. Turn your legs with your feet together sideways towards the floor. Make sure your palms are still touching the floor. When you either reach the floor, or your hands begin to come off the floor, switch directions and turn your legs to the opposite side.

    Hope I helped! :]

  3. Thanks girlies!! You just totally made my day!! And Ell you are so right, not as easy as it sounds lol, but i'll keep it up. Thanks for the encouragements chicas :)
